Last summer's weather lacks many redeeming features. I don't think I was the only one who decided last April that a summer without sun just isn't.
And I swear it has made this summer all the better. I keep on noticing all the simple summer things. Picking a basket of apricots, riding down a (small) rapid in an inner tube, having my cup of tea and christmas cake in a shady spot of the garden. My beach bag is brimming over with bookish goodness. Here's what you'd find if you tipped it out on the picnic blanket:
The latest Frankie and Extracurricular mags
A borrowed copy of series 3 of The Good Word
and an amazing, 'unputdownable' book called Room.
Wishing you a year of sunshine, good reading, and plenty of take-a-skip moments (and an outdoor bath too - I cannot recommend them highly enough).
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