The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh was recommended to me by several friends, and after another phase of reading non fiction, it was an extra special treat to have a compelling bit of fiction to look forward to at the end of each day.... to be honest, I didn't always limit myself to bedtime reading - a few chores were ignored in the reading of this book!
Victoria Jones overcomes the emotional scars of a tumultuous and bleak childhood in foster care through a love of flowers, and the messages that they convey. The tale, told in a dual narrative between her child and adult self, weaves a story where struggle is intertwined with little glimpses of hope, and carried along by an underlying tension - she has done something that she fears she will never be forgiven for.
Victoria's tentative move towards happiness and love unfolds rather like a delicate flower - it's subtle and affecting.
ooh I've had this recommended to me too, might see if the library has it, sounds great.