For months I have been driving past a secondhand bookshop on my way to visit a friend. It was a big old rundown looking place, and somehow didn't appeal. But this week I had a bit of time on my hands so decided to have a look. It turned out to be a bookish girl's dream come true. It literally had books bursting out of it. Room after room of books from floor to ceiling, in a great big messy jumble. It was a fluke to find things, but that somehow made the find all the more satisfying. I'm determined to collect all the books I read when I was young, and I found some real keepers here.
It reminded me just how important it is to take the blinkers off sometimes. Take a look around, there may be some treasures waiting for you in a wee corner shop that you've never noticed before.
Three Astrid Lindgren titles: Ronia, the robber's daughter,
Emil Gets into Mischief, and Mardie, as well as another Sue Barton book
for my growing collection |
Little Grey Rabbit by Alison Uttley, but not the traditional one,
the illustrator is different |
some black and white pictures too |
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