Memoirs involving New York, good food, and colourful women definitely go to the top of my book pile, and I haven't been disappointed so far. I have just finished Blood, Bones and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton and really loved it. Hamilton's chapters are almost like stand-alone essays on different aspects of her life, from her idyllic childhood, through her tumultuous teenage, to her unexpected and unconventional marriage to an Italian doctor, and the equally unexpected adventure of opening her now well-acclaimed restaurant Prune (at the same time as juggling the demands of becoming a parent). It's gritty and real, the writing is quirky, and the storytelling very honest. It's full of life . (Postscript: this book was recommended to me by the lovely author of the food blog pass the salt . If you haven't already discovered her, take a peek, she's a clever one!) My other favourite New York based memoir is Madeleines in Manhattan written ...
good books, my bike, and all things nice