October went by without me finding a book that I felt deserved the mantle of being a bookchat book :(. But happily I found just the one for November. It is a darling little book that I came across at a library that I don't usually visit. I'm so glad I did. It is called The Knitter's Home Companion - a heartwarming collection of stories, patterns, and recipes by Michelle Edwards. ` Published byMelanie Falick books Everything about this book appealed to me: the size (little), the illustrations, the inclusions of patterns, the book recommendations, recipes, and the writing. The writing (a collection of essays primarily about knitting, but encompassing the full richness of life: of mothering, being part of a community, and of humanity at large) is just beautiful. After enjoying the book so much I just had to google the author, and seek out more of her work to read. What I came across on her website , and the browsing that followed, reminded me just how steeped in...
good books, my bike, and all things nice